Friday, May 6, 2011

Reese's Prayer Request

Yesterday was Reese's follow-up Cardiology Appointment and it all went really well. She is such a trooper, she sat so very still for the entire echo cardiogram and did everything that Dr. R asked of her. Her heart remains the same, still a pretty large ASD is present, and because of the extra blood flow to the right side of her heart, she now has some pulmonary stenosis -- none of this is surprising to her doctors. Dr. R feels very confident that this defect can be fixed in the cath lab versus open heart surgery. She will have surgery on August 4th, she will have 2 surgeons, Dr. R, who will be doing ultrasounds of her heart during the procedure, an anesthesiologist, and an x-ray technician. It will take approximately 4 hours from start to finish and she will be heavily sedated to ensure she is very still. I felt like the wind had been taken out of me when he told me it would take 4 hours yesterday, I honestly thought it would take an hour or so. We're going to need lots of prayers come August 4th! Reese is oblivious and care-free about the entire thing. She knows we went to take pictures of her heart yesterday, but as far as surgery, we haven't even discussed it. Once it gets closer to time, I will make she knows a little about what will happen, but she's still so young, I don't think it will all register, and for that, I am thankful. One of my biggest concerns for her, (aside from the surgery itself) is to not be scared - ignorance is bliss as far as I'm concerned with her and understanding the entire process. I will update if anything changes, but as for now, August 4th it is......I'm so ready to put all of this behind us!!!


Anonymous said...

I'll be thinking of yall but sounds like Reese is/will be in great hands. And you're right, good thing that sweet angel doesn't really understand. It's probably for the best.

Goldilocks said...

I will be sure and says lots of prayers. I can only imagine how hard it must be.

Priyanka said...

I'll be praying for sweet little Reese! Everything will be fine!

Chris, Nichole & Colby! said...

Praying for your little one!

Whale of A Sale said...

I have it on my calendar and I will be there to help with whatever or just to hold your hand!

The Youngbloods said...

Ooops - i was logged in under WOAS!

The said...

I will be praying for Reese, your family & the Doctor's taking care of her!