Thursday, May 10, 2012

Mia's Tubes

Mia got tubes in both ears this morning and she did wonderful!! She was the first patient taken back because of her age. She went back at 6:40am and we were home at 7:30am!! Talk about fast! We got home before R and C even woke up! Sweet baby did so good. Dr. M said her ears were yucky, but he cleaned them out very well and she should be as good as new! We will give her drops for 3 days and then hopefully, (fingers crossed), we will be ear infection free for a LONG time!! When they first brought her out to me once she was finished, she was so mad. I could not get her to stop crying. It was pitiful. After about 15minutes she settled down and went to sleep. Not sure if it was the anesthesia or just pain, but she was so so mad. I've never heard her cry like that. Since we've gotten home, she's been great. No fussing and eating and sleeping just fine. Reese and Charlie were so happy to hear she did good this morning. Mia probably got 200 kisses from each of them when they ran down the stairs and saw her! So sweet! Great job sweet Mia!! 

 Love this picture because it shows how she sits with her legs crossed! Love it!!
She is so close to crawling. Slow down baby girl, slow down!!!
May 10, 2012

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