Sunday, November 29, 2009

We're going to get a Christmas Tree!!

Which one do we want???

waiting patiently on them to trim our tree!!

a little love

yayyyyy, let's take it home!!!

helping mommy and daddy decorate!!

Rooooooolllll Tide!!!

We went to the Iron Bowl on Friday and had SO much fun. Jennie and Ingram went with us and we stayed with Brent and Lauren. Reese spent the night with Mimi and Poppa and Charlie went to the lake and stayed with PawPaw and LaLa. Both the kids had so much fun and I think enjoyed the one on one time they got from loving grandparents!!! Of course, us big kids had a BLAST!!! We acted like we were in college again. We even made it out on the town in Auburn Friday night and didn't end up going to bed until after 2am.....which, by the way, we are waaaaayyyy to old to do anymore! We have been dragging all day!!! It was a great little get away and we had so much fun! Roll Tide!!!!

In the stadium after we gave the Tigers they're spanking!!!

2 year check up!!

We had Ms. Priss's check up this past week. Here are her stats:
Weight: 23lbs (10%)
Height: 32" (10%)
Head Circ: 19" (90%)
As far as health goes, Dr. Wilson said she looks great. Her murmur is still there, but that was really no surprise. She is still small, but proportional, so Dr. Wilson is NOT worried at all. We are right on track developmentally (of course we think she's SUPER smart for her age!!!) She knows all her colors, can sing the ABC's, "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star", "The Itsy, Bitsy Spider" and a few others. She is talking up a storm and putting sentences together very well. She LOVES going to school and playing with her "friends" and Ms. Kim and Ms. Betsy. She loves Charlie and asks about him when he is not around. They still fight over toys, books and food, but that's all normal apparently!! She had to get one shot and only cried for a short time. She is such a sweet little girl and such a diva at the same time. We are really into pink right now. Everything she asks for has to be pink. She told me a few nights ago that she wanted "pink mac -n- cheese" for dinner. ha!!! We love you sweet Reese and are so proud of you!!!!

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving this year! We ate LOTS of turkey and spent lots of time with family. Mom has already put some of her Christmas decorations up, so the kids were in awe of the tree and all the pretty decorations on it. It's going to be such a challenge to keep them OFF the tree this year!!

Kristen, Hope and Me

Maci and Mason with the kiddos

Charlie flirting with Maci!!!!

Everyone minus the boys -- they were watching football!

Reese walking Lily -- one of her favorite past times at Mimi's

Charlie meeting Santa!!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Business as Usual Around Here!!!

Although it's been quite a stressful week for Joe and I, the kiddo's haven't missed a beat!!

Reese and Barney enjoying some books!!

Charlie got a new chair and hasn't stopped climbing on it since we got it out of the box!!

Nothing like a box of Pampers for some at-home entertainment!!


Thursday, November 19, 2009

Update on Reese....

All smiles this morning!!!

So we've been to the Cardiologist this morning and Reese is going to be A-OK!!! She has an ASD, which is Atrial Septal Defect. Basically, a hole in her heart that is causing too much blood supply to flow to the lungs. Dr. R said she was born with it, why it's just now showing up, we don't know. It's apparently more common than not, we've just caught it earlier than usual -- most kids are diagnosed at age 5 or 6. We did an EKG and an ECHO of the heart and Reese did beautifully. She sat so perfectly still and cooperated to the fullest extent. The nurses gave her plenty of goodies, including suckers, which are her favorite!! Reese weighed in at 23lbs this morning, which puts her too small to do any type of surgery now. Dr. R said we will re-check her in 6months and maybe schedule the surgery then. He is hoping to do it when she is 3 years old, which will allow for a bigger Reese, which in turn is a bigger heart, bigger veins/arteries, etc....
Right now Reese's heart is working twice as hard as it's supposed to, but Dr. R assured us it will not harm her in the long run to wait and do the surgery next year. We are supposed to watch for any changes, but otherwise, she is still to be treated like any normal, healthy child. Thank you all so much for your thoughts and prayers.....please continue to pray for my sweet girl! Although Dr. R said there is little to no chance this will "fix itself", we still believe in Divine intervention and will continue to pray for her healing!!!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Calling all Prayer Warriors.....

So my sweet little Reese needs your prayers today. For the past week or so, when she and Charlie have been running around the house, I have noticed that Reese's lips have been turning blue. She has always been quick to have blue lips when she gets cold, but we had equated it to the fact that she is tiny (just at 24lbs with her clothes on), no meat on her bones, she gets cold really easy, and her lips turn a little blue. Well today, for some reason I decided that the running and her lips turning blue was a little more than I was comfortable with, so I called her doctor. We got her right in and as soon as Dr. Wilson put the stethoscope on her chest I could tell something was wrong. Dr. Wilson said she has a "worrysome" murmur and put in a call to cardiology. We were sent to the Children's South clinic where they did an x-ray. There is something wrong but we don't know what yet. We know that she has "increased pulmonary vascular markings" which pretty much means she has too much blood in her lungs and the oxygenated blood is mixing with the un-oxygenated blood. This, therefore causing blue lips upon exertion. We have an appointment with the cardiologist first thing in the morning and we should know more then. Please pray for my sweet girl. Although she is playing fine and by looking at her you would never know anything is wrong, I'm so scared for what her little body may have to go through. It's so hard for me to put my head around the fact that something may be wrong with her. I have so many questions.....I hope to know more tomorrow. Please, please, pray.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

My oh my......

....what a difference a year makes!!

This is my sweet girl on her 1st birthday last year.

And this is her today on her 2nd Birthday!!!
Reese, we are so very proud of you sweet girl. You are growing more and more beautiful every day. You amaze us with all you can do and say and all the wonderful things you learn each day. It's hard to imagine life without you, although you've only been on this earth for 2 short years. You light up our lives and bring us more joy than you will ever know. We look forward to many, many more fun-filled birthdays!!!! We love you!!!

Happy Birthday Reese!!!

We had Reese's Birthday celebration tonight and she got to eat MORE cake and open MORE presents.....we're about birthday'd out around here!!! Reese was of course super excited and loved every minute of it! Happy Birthday sweet angel......we love you!!!

Gigi came by to bring presents

their favorite.....Barney!!!

Reese LOVES Barney!!

Charlie LOVES Barney!!

mmmmmm, cake!!

I still don't think she get's why we sing to her yet!!

blow Reese blow!!!

Charlie had flashbacks from his birthday smash cake. For some reason he decided to smash Reese's cake all in his hair. He was such a mess when we were done!!!

she's getting good at this!!

little help from PawPaw

she was so excited when she saw her kitchen.....her arms were just a flapping!!

every little girl needs a pink kitchen, right???

cooking, cooking!!

she also got a high chair for her baby!!!
Thanks everyone for her gifts.....she loves them all!!

They're both one......

Yesterday was the last day that I had TWO one year olds!! For 2 weeks out of the year, when people ask me how old they are, I can say, she's one, and he's one!!! Then you have to go through the whole, "no, they're not twins" story and explain how it happened!! You should hear some of the things people say to me.....sometimes good, sometimes pure shock!! Today is my sweet Reese's 2nd Birthday......lot's of pictures to come!!!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Happy Birthday Dad!!!

Today is my dad's birthday and we had a little celebration tonight!! We had dinner and then went to my sister's house to open presents and eat cake. What fun we had at Kristen's house!!! Sorry for trashing your place Kris!!!! Reese and Charlie of course had to help open presents and shred/throw paper everywhere. They also had fun dropping cake on Kristen's really clean carpet (oooopps!!) Hope you had a wonderful day dad!!! Happy Birthday!!!!

her awful cheeeeesssse face!!!