Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Calling all Prayer Warriors.....

So my sweet little Reese needs your prayers today. For the past week or so, when she and Charlie have been running around the house, I have noticed that Reese's lips have been turning blue. She has always been quick to have blue lips when she gets cold, but we had equated it to the fact that she is tiny (just at 24lbs with her clothes on), no meat on her bones, she gets cold really easy, and her lips turn a little blue. Well today, for some reason I decided that the running and her lips turning blue was a little more than I was comfortable with, so I called her doctor. We got her right in and as soon as Dr. Wilson put the stethoscope on her chest I could tell something was wrong. Dr. Wilson said she has a "worrysome" murmur and put in a call to cardiology. We were sent to the Children's South clinic where they did an x-ray. There is something wrong but we don't know what yet. We know that she has "increased pulmonary vascular markings" which pretty much means she has too much blood in her lungs and the oxygenated blood is mixing with the un-oxygenated blood. This, therefore causing blue lips upon exertion. We have an appointment with the cardiologist first thing in the morning and we should know more then. Please pray for my sweet girl. Although she is playing fine and by looking at her you would never know anything is wrong, I'm so scared for what her little body may have to go through. It's so hard for me to put my head around the fact that something may be wrong with her. I have so many questions.....I hope to know more tomorrow. Please, please, pray.


Anonymous said...

I'l definitely be thinking about all of you. I cannot even imagine what you must be going through. Keep us all posted!

Anonymous said...

I am praying!! I love reading profile. I am SO upset by the latest posting!!! My children are 19 months apart. I am sure everything will be fine!! PLEASE keep us posted!!!!