Saturday, November 13, 2010

Happy 3rd Birthday Reese!!

On Friday, we had a few family members over to celebrate Reese's 3rd Birthday! She was so excited all day long. She got to take cupcakes to school and they had her a little party there as well (sorry, no pics!), so it was one big hootin-hollerin' Reese day! She got LOTS of fun new toys and had one of the most precious birthday cakes I've ever seen. Still can't believe she's 3 years old......our big birthday party for both kids is tomorrow, so LOTS and LOTS of pictures to come! Happy, Happy Birthday sweet girl!!

You think she's excited??

I've never seen so much princess "garb" in all my life!

Her Little Mermaid's too cute for words!
(*if you need a yummy cake that is very reasonably priced, email me and I'll give you the ladies name! It was a wonderful cake!!)

She was so excited when she first saw it!!

She sat and looked and touched the cake for a long time.....then she smashed one of her icing crabs and licked her finger, so we had to make her get up!!

Happy Birthday to you!!

She sang Happy Birthday to herself louder than anyone else!!

make a wish!!

All her presents!!

Charlie got a few presents too (so he would not feel so left out!)......he and PawPaw reading a book!!

One of Reese's favorite gifts was her Princess hair set. It came with a hair dryer, straightening iron, curling iron, etc.....poor Charlie, he was her salon customer all night!! =)

all the gifts! Thank you so much everyone!!!

We've been Sleeping Beauty ever since we got a dress up trunk full of clothes.....thanks Aunt Kristen!

So this is a sign you got too many gifts. Last night, after we put the kids to bed (wayyyyy later than they should have gone to bed), I remembered we had not given Reese her present from Joe and I. We had taken her to the Bike shop this past week and let her pick out her favorite bike, and we even had them put a cute little bell and handlebar streamers on it. After such a crazy, long night of birthday celebration, we TOTALLY forgot about it. This morning, we gave it to her first thing. She was already dressed up in her Sleeping Beauty dress again and rode the bike around the house forever! Ha, sorry Reese, better late than never!! Hope you had a wonderful birthday!!

1 comment:

Chris, Nichole & Colby! said...

It looks like she had a great birthday!!