Monday, June 13, 2011

Pedicure with Mommy

Sunday, Reese and I escaped for a little "girl time" and went to have our nails done. This was Reese's first "official" pedicure, we've had lots at home, but never at the actual nail salon. She LOVED it......when we left, she asked me when we were coming back! I for see lots of nail dates in our future!! Love you sweet princess -- Mommy wouldn't rather be with anyone else!

They gave her a Capri-sun when she sat in her butterfly chair -- an instant hit!!

Letting those nails dry!

sweet little piggies turned out so cute!!

June 12, 2011


Goldilocks said...

oh my you must ell me where to find the butterfly chairs. =) my girls would that!! Her toes are to cute!

The Spencer Family said...

Yes, tell me where you went that is worth the drive for me!