Saturday, June 4, 2011

Swim Lessons -- End of Week 1!!!

WOW -- how far we have come! Swim lessons have actually become an enjoyable experience!! Both kids have overcome their fear of going under, and both kids are "little fish" now! Joe and I took them to the pool one afternoon this week to "work" with them and practice, and since then, they're like new children. Jumping off the side, swimming (literally) across the's amazing! I can go to swim lessons now and relax, and enjoy myself, and actually cheer and scream for my kiddos!! They have both discovered goggles, and both really like them. It's made all the difference in the world. One more full week of lessons and we'll be done. Mrs. Laura is working with them on distance now......swimming farther and taking breaths in between. It's a hard concept, but they're getting it -- practice, practice! I'm so proud of you Reese and Charlie, we are going to have so much fun at the pool this summer!!!!

Go Charlie Go!!

Go Reese Go!

Reese and Kate racing!!

This is one of their favorite things to do!!

Now it's Charlie's turn to race Reese!!

Go little fishes go!!!

Reese and Ella waiting their turn!!

Not a good pic, but a memory!

Funny they both wore their same swimsuits today!!

1 comment:

The Youngbloods said...

They are so cute! You should be so proud!