Wednesday, April 29, 2009

6 Months Old!!!

I know everyone always says this, but I can't believe my baby is 6mo old.....where has the time gone? He is growing up so fast and is such a little lovebug. He NEVER cries (and I mean NEVER), he sleeps wonderfully, eats VERY well, loves to watch his big sister, and goes and does any and every thing we want him to do. We had our 6mo check up today and all is well. We are finally on the chart in height and weight (yayyyyy!!)-- Charlie weighed in at 21lbs (95%) and is 28 1/4" (95%) -- he had to get 2 nasty shots and although he was not too happy about it, he recovered quickly (thanks nurse Jennie!!). While there, we weighed Reese as well and wouldn't you know, she weighs 21lbs too (5%) -- she is so tiny and he is so big!! Reese also had to get a shot and she was not in the least bit happy about it, but also recovered well when she was handed a roll of Sweet Tarts.....doesn't take much!!

1 comment:

Taylor said...

He makes the cutest faces! I can't believe they weigh the same amount. Your arms should be so toned by now with 21 pounds on each arm :)
