Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Happy 11mo B'day Sweet Boy!!!

It's hard to believe he's 11mo old today.....it's even harder to believe that he's the same age Reese was when we had him -- how time flies. He is such a big boy. We had him weighed last week at his doctors appt and he is 26lbs. He gets around REALLY well, crawls super fast and cruises along the fireplace, toys, boxes, etc. He is a "pretty good" eater, although would prefer his milk in a bottle over table food. He can say "bye bye" and wave and he likes to point at things. He is a BIGTIME Momma's boy (which I love!!), loves to wrestle with his daddy and will follow Reese anywhere. We can't imagine life without him and are LOVING watching him grow and learn everyday. Charlie -- we love you and are so proud of you!!!

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