My sweet sweet Mia baby is 5 months old. She is still such an angel. She is doing more and more everyday and we are having so much fun watching her grow and explore! She LOVES to watch Reese and Charlie more than anything and is still a perfectly content baby. We have just started introducing foods and she is doing good -- we have tried sweet potatoes, squash and bananas and so far, squash is her favorite! She is still nursing and sleeping well. She is also getting over her first ear infection and viral cold, and is finally not pouring snot, yuck! Mia Elizabeth, you are an angel baby and we love you!!!!
Monday, February 27, 2012
Mia's New Ride
Friday, February 24, 2012
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Time to Eat!!!
After watching my sweet Mia stare, and I mean S.T.A.R.E., at us eat the past few nights, I decided it's time to start chunky monkey on food herself. We opted for sweet potatoes, they're a favorite around our house, so I was hopeful Mia would feel the same. It was a hot mess, I think she enjoyed herself, but she was SO messy by the end of the meal we went straight to the bathtub. It is so much fun to watch her explore and learn new's just happening all too quickly!
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Happy Valentine's Day!!!
When we got home from gymnastics today, we had balloons flying from our mailbox. I had no idea who they were from and the kids could hardly contain their excitement! I grabbed my camera and sent them off......thank you PawPaw and Lala for our Valentine's, the kids were SUPER excited to get a surprise in the mailbox! Happy Valentine's Day!!

Friday, February 10, 2012
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Mia's Big Day!!
Mia was baptised on Sunday......finally! She is my latest baby to get baptised, we normally do it around 6 weeks, so we were major behind! She did beautifully and it was such a precious moment to watch. Her uncle John and aunt Vivian were the Godparents, they too are Reese, Charlie and Joe's Godparents, so it's extra special to have them in our children's lives. Thanks to all who came to be a part of Mia's special day, as Father Bazzel would say, "her soul has been saved!" Hallelujah, Hallelujah!!
Monday, February 6, 2012
It's hard......
My sweet Mia is getting so big, so fast. Once we got home from the cruise I decided it was time to move Mia into her own "big girl crib" in her own big girl room. Let me just say, I am very happy, and I know how fortunate Joe and I are to have a growing, sleeping, healthy baby girl, but it's still hard. I want her to sleep by my bed forever! She, however, hasn't missed a beat. She still sleeps her normal 12 hours just like there's been no change at all, and seems to really love her new bed, but again, it's hard, sniff sniff!
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Vacation Time!!!
Joe and I, in tow with all 3 kiddos and my parents, just got back from a Caribbean cruise, and oh my goodness, what a fun trip! Mia got to experience a lot of "firsts", her first plane ride and her first cruise! Reese and Charlie did awesome and enjoyed every minute of their vacation. I'm sad that it is over and Reese and I are already trying to come up with our next "big adventure!!" We went on the Carnival Destiny for 5 nights. We had a great setup, our room connected with mom and dad's room, so we had plenty of space for the kiddos. Reese and Charlie slept in the bunk beds, and Mia slept in a big girl crib (sniff sniff). So many great memories were made, here are a few of them captured on film.....

We had to get a limo to pick us up from the was the only way we would all fit into one vehicle! The kids thought this was so special!

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