Saturday, April 7, 2012

The Hair.......

On Monday, Reese asked me if I would make her "braided pink tails". I thought it would look sweet with her little dress, so I agreed. It turned out so so cute. She is all into braids right now, she says it's "like Rapunzel's!"
After we had our little photo shoot to document my "braided pink tails," I went into the kitchen to clean up. Would you look what I found on the floor........
A BIG OL' CHUNK of Reese's hair. She had been cutting a project her Mimi had given her and cut her hair. I was MAD. I asked her why she did it and she said, "because it was in my way." What?!?!?!?! In your way? I'm telling you, I don't think I've been that mad ever in my life!!! Luckily, the way she cut it, it almost looks like little layers were cut on her left side. It's barely noticeable because it's SO curly, which is good for her! Needless to say, we won't be cutting in our household for a LONG, LONG time!!!
April 2, 2012

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