Thursday, April 26, 2012

Mia is 7 months!!

How is she 7 months old already? She is growing and changing right before my very eyes! Mia baby, you are such a delight! You have to be the sweetest baby alive. You are still so very mellow and go with the fast pace of our family's life with such ease!! You are trying your darnedest to figure out how to crawl. You can scoot just about anywhere on your tummy and will turn in circles or roll to get where you wanna go!! You have settled yourself into a nice 2-3 hour afternoon nap -- and have just decided you don't want to be rocked to sleep anymore, sniff, sniff. What a blessing it is that you want to just be laid into your crib to go to sleep on your own. Mommy gets lots of rocking and loving in during the day to make up for that loss of snuggle time before bed!! I just left you for the first time (other than with grandparents) at the club for ONE hour while mommy played tennis -- you did very well, but were SOOOOO happy to see me when I came to pick you up! You still nurse very well and are eating baby food for breakfast and dinner. Reese and Charlie are your favorite people in the world. You love to be outside. You are still sleeping anywhere from 11-12 hours at night. You rock!! Love you sweet baby!
Happy 7 months!!
April 26, 2012

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