Monday, August 31, 2009

Euro Bungee

On Saturday night, Joe and I and the kids went to dinner with Mimi and Poppa. Afterwards, we decided to go to the Galleria and do a little shopping, let the kids ride the carousel, get some ice cream, etc..... EVERYTIME we go to the Galleria, Reese stops to watch all the "big" kids do the Euro Bungee. She holds onto the rails of the barricades and watches until we MAKE her leave. She is talking more and more, and this time, while watching, she repeatedly said, "Reese, jump, Reese, jump" -- (little side note, she talks in third person -- she never uses, "mine, me, I" -- only "Reese" -- and we love it!!) The operator of the bungee heard her and told her she could ride -- we thought she would never do it once she got onto the trampoline, but we were sooooo wrong. She got all strapped in, and up and down she went. And she went high. Joe had her going 10-12 feet in the air and she giggled and screamed "whoa, whoa, whoa" the entire time. People were stopping and looking in amazement. She is not afraid of ANYTHING. We had to make her get off because her time was up!!! I, of course, don't usually take my camera with me to the Galleria, so all we have are these pics from my dad's blackberry -- they're not great, but it captured this memory!!!!

Getting the "pep talk" from Daddy!!

All geared up

so blurry, but better than nothing!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Grayson begs to do that but I never thought she was old enough... guess I'll have to let her next time!!

and I love all your cruise pictures-- Reese and Charlie are so adorable and you can tell they just love each other to pieces and have so much fun. What a cute family!!