Monday, August 10, 2009

They were being sooooo sweet......

...sitting together, drinking their milk and juice

hey, give me your blankie Reese

ok then, give me your juice!

"no, no Charreeee"

"Charrreeee, nooooooo"


My little squirt looks soooooo sweet and innocent, and he is, but he LOVES to get whatever Reese has, and it drives her nuts!! This afternoon we had a neighborhood back to school playdate and I woke the kids up from their naps at the same time so we could make it on time. I sat them beside each other to have their milk/juice and that is when all the action began!! Charlie wanted Reese's juice soooooo bad and she was having nothing of it. "No, no, Charrreee" is her most popular statement these days.....and he's not even crawling good yet!!!!

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