Friday, May 6, 2011

It's a GIRL!!

We are going to have another sweet little girl sometime late September! It is official, and somewhat of a relief, since Reese has said the ENTIRE time, "I don't want another stinky boy!" She has said my entire pregnancy that we were having a girl, and that her name would be Molly Jane. Not sure where or why she came up with this name, but nonetheless, that is what she is calling this baby, and if you dare try and call her otherwise, she will quickly correct you! Charlie could pretty much care less about the entire thing, we try to talk about it, but he's VERY un-interested! Joe and I are over the moon excited, we went today to a speciality fetal-diagnostic doctor to check this baby for heart defects (or any other possible defects, just because of Reese's history) and we got an excellent report -- this baby is just perfect as far as ultrasounds can see! We are so relieved and ready to meet our sweet baby girl! Now if we can get her a name that everyone agrees on, we'll be in business! Will update with any new pregnancy news!!


Anonymous said...

wow!! congrats!! I didn't realize you were far enough along to find out. Maybe Reese is on to something... Molly Jane sounds cute! ;)

Goldilocks said...

Congratulations! I know Resse will love having a baby sister. My girl have both said they want a little sister. And when I say it could be a little boy they say never mind. I think Molly Jane is a cute name, I think that is the girl in Spider Man's name and they call her MJ. I can't wait to see lots of pictures of her.