Sunday, December 4, 2011

CBS Christmas Program

This is my second year to do CBS (Community Bible Study). Last year, I wasn't able to get the kids into the program, but this year, Reese, Charlie, Mia and I all have a spot! It is one of the greatest programs -- it's great for me and it's great for the kids, they have learned SO much about the Bible and we're only half way through the year. This past week was their Christmas program and the kiddos did great. Reese was as animated as usual and sang and did all the hand motions to EVERY song! Charlie was a little less amused and quietly sat and watched as everyone around him sang! He is not shy at all, but he sure acted like he was during this Christmas program! Joe, Mimi and Gigi all came to watch, which made the kids even happier. Good job Reese and Charlie!! So glad you guys are learning the real meaning of CHRISTmas!!
December 1, 2011

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