Sunday, December 4, 2011

First "Real" Playdate

So yesterday was a little bit of a sad day for me. Reese was invited to her first "REAL" playdate, you know, the kind where I DROP HER OFF???!!!? We've had plenty a playdates, I've just been to each one with her! It was such a big deal for me to drop her off for some reason. I guess I'm just not ready for her to be so big and so ready to go places without me. She, however, could not quit talking about it and we counted down the days all week until, "is today the day to go to Campbell's house?!?!" came. Campbell's mom sent me an email earlier in the week to ask if Reese could come play on Saturday. I asked Reese if she wanted to go andfrom that point on, it's all she could talk about! I was a little nervous she may wanna leave early, but I was oh so wrong! I dropped her off at 10:30 and picked her up at 2:30, so she wasn't gone an incredibly long time, but I was really excited to pick her up! She did wonderfully and played very well. She is already talking about having another playdate, so we'll see......maybe this is a start to something?!?!?! Thank you Campbell for having Reese over to play, she had a ball!!
December 3, 2011

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