Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Merry Merry Christmas!!

Christmas morning was so much fun this year. I didn't get a lot of pictures, which makes me sad, but it's hard to enjoy all the madness and oooh and aaahhh at all the gifts AND take pictures. I need someone to follow me around and take pictures ALL the time! Anyways, the kids had a great Christmas morning, filled with more toys than they could ever play with. They were both so happy and have still not played with everything they got!! We had all the family over to watch them open Santa and then we had a yummy breakfast. Sad it's over but glad at the same time......Christmas this year was crazy busy and I'm ready to settle down a bit! Merry Merry Christmas!!!
Christmas night we always go to PawPaw and LaLa's house for MORE gifts! Aunt Vivian and Uncle John were able to join us this year which always makes for a good time. Again, I didn't get many pics, in fact I only got 2.......sniff sniff. It's crazy with 3 kiddos, I've gotta get better at my picture taking skills!!

December 25, 2011

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