Wednesday, October 14, 2009

My Pink Baby

As we all know, Reese loves babies very particular, her "pink baby" as she would say. She would also take this baby EVERYWHERE we went if I let her. I have enough to lug around with 2 children under the age of 2, so I have stopped letting her tote her baby and blankie every time we go somewhere. I tell her that her baby wants to stay at home and take a nap while we go and do whatever it is we're doing. This morning, before school, we were getting ready to go and she was holding her baby. I went through the whole thing again with her and how we leave baby at home to take a nap. She informed me that her baby needed to be read a book before she took a nap. I told her we would read a book when we got home, blah, blah, blah, get your stuff, it's time to go, let's go get in the car, etc, etc. I went about my merry way, gathering all my things and trying to get everyone moving in the direction of the door. Once ready, I went to look for Reese.....
....she crawled her happy butt up on the couch and began to read her baby a book. Quite possibly one of the sweetest things I've ever seen.

I had to get this on camera!!

Even Charlie stopped for a listen!!

1 comment:

Barbara Cornutt said...

This is the sweetest thing ever!!!