Friday, January 27, 2012

Mia 4 months!!

My sweet Mia is growing up so so fast. She is 4 months old and perfect. We had her check up today and Dr. W said she looks wonderful. I have said it once, and I will say it again, she is The best way to sum her up in one word is content. She LOVES to watch Reese and Charlie and will sit and watch them for hours. She sleeps 11-12 hours a night, still nurses like a champ and is becoming more interested in watching us eat! I'm not quite ready to introduce foods yet (I'm putting that off as long as I can), but I know it's just around the corner for her. Here are her stats from her 4mo check up:
Wt: 14.2 lbs (50%)
Ht: 24" (50%)
HC: 16 1/2 (75%)
We had pictures made last week so I will have to upload those when we get back, we are going on a "big adventure" for a bit, will be back with lots of pictures!!!!
January 26, 2011

1 comment:

Goldilocks said...

How in the world is it that she is already 4 months old. It seems like just yesterday she was coming home from the hospital. I am so glad she is such a good baby. I wouldn't know what that was. =) Both my babies were HARD!