Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Happy 8 months Mia!!

So my sweet baby turned 8mo old while we were at the lake. I had to cheat a little and get her picture in her chair before we left!! She is doing something new everyday now and is oh so busy. She claps for herself when you say "yay" and loves to blow raspberries when she is trying to be funny! She still say's "ma ma ma ma" all the time and has just now mastered waving bye bye! Her top tooth broke through (#3) and the 4th is on the way. She hasn't been fussy with her teeth so far and still is sleeping good. She eats breakfast, lunch and dinner like a champ and still nurses in between. She's a total Mommy's girl and I love it!! She WILL NOT sit still anymore and is SO close to crawling!! Love you sweet Mia -- you melt your mommy's heart!!
May 26, 2012

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