Friday, May 18, 2012

School's Out!!

Our school year has come to an end! The kids were thrilled, and I'm a little depressed! Ha! We have had such a wonderful year this year. Wonderful teachers, lots of new experiences and we've made lots of new friends. Both my kiddos had some of the BEST TEACHERS out there. I was so pleased this year and they have learned so so much. We got Reese's school picture back today (Charlie will get one when he is in 3K next year!!) and I had to take a picture of it to post -- it brought tears to my eyes when I looked at it. They all look like such "big kids" to me. Life is marching by way too fast. I feel like they were just crawling around the house just yesterday. Reese and Charlie, we are so very proud of you and the "big kids" that you are becoming. We love you more than you'll ever know!!!

 Charlie with Mrs. Jamie and Mrs. Laura
 Reese and Mrs. Leslie
 Reese and Mrs. Charlotte
Such a cute group of kiddos. Loved this class!
May 18, 2012

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