Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Sweet Mia

My sweet Mia is on her 5th ear infection in 3 months. Boo. Bless her heart, she gets all the germs from big brother and sister. I do everything I can to keep her well, but she cannot keep ear infections at bay. She will have to get tubes next Thursday, May 10th. Charlie had tubes and it helped so very much, I pray that is the case with Mia and she can get some relief soon. We went to the doctor on Monday and she said her ears were so yucky. Poor, poor baby. Please keep her in your prayers next week.
May 1, 2012

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

she is just the cutest little thing!! I know getting tubes is scary for Mommy, but they really are fabulous. Grayson had ear infections almost every month, got tubes at 11 months and has had maybe two since!! I'll be thinking of her and you!!