Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Merry Christmas!

This was our first Christmas to spend at our house, so it was a little different. Up until this point in my life, I have ALWAYS spent the night at my mom and dad's house and woke up and had Santa there. Well, now that the kids are getting older and the presents are getting bigger, we decided we HAD to have it at our house starting this year. It turned out great.....Mom, Dad and Kristen were at our house bright and early, early enough to see the kids open all their gifts from Santa, and then I cooked a big breakfast for everyone. We were able to stay at home all day and let the kids play with all their new things and just enjoy the day. It was wonderful. I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas. I hate it came and went so fast......

Santa brought them a jump-a-roo for the basement.....it's honestly one of their favorite things on this planet! We have jumped in it everyday since Christmas and it's a GREAT energy outlet for the two of them!!

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