Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Summer MDO!

Summer MDO is back in full swing, and for both of them to be gone 4 hours during the day, 2 days a week, is ALL new to mommy. I forgot what it's like to have "me" time on a consistent basis....I think I'm going to like it!! Reese is in her same classroom, same friends, same routine, and of course, she had to be a drama queen for us and scream bloody murder. Thank goodness Joe was with me and could help. We ended up having to "pass her" to the teacher and just walk out. Lucky for us, Charlie's room comes before Reese's and we had already dropped him by his room. I don't think I could have handled 2 screaming melt-downs, and the way she was screaming would have surely scared him to death! Anyways, I stood around for a few minutes and it didn't take long until the drama was gone, and the tears dried.....when I went back to peek in on her, her and her little friend Kate were sitting with the teacher reading a book. Both kids were REALLY excited to see me when I picked them up (my favorite part!). They both came running with open arms, followed by some of the best bear hugs around! Reese did wonderfully as well today. Now if we can just get past the drama departure! Keep your fingers crossed for Thursday!!

Doesn't Charlie look thrilled? And don't ask me what's going on with Reese's shorts....I have no idea how one leg is hiked up and the other down?!?!
we have GOT to work on this picture taking thing!

Off they go (sniff, sniff!)

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